January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Venturing into national discussion for just a bit, I find myself excited that it's Iowa Caucus Eve. Yeah, it's that whole political geek thing again. Go Obama!

The Post-standard reports the city is not backing up its Tomorrow's Neighborhoods Today program. An audit by city Auditor Phil LaTessa found that the full slate of representatives that should be at the meetings, 1 from each city department, was only at 16% of the meetings. Apparently the law states that they should have the full slate at all the meetings. So the good news is we're only 84% illegal.

The audit also showed that the plans the groups formed were often outdated and incomplete, the city was slow to implement those plans that were submitted, and staff members were being overpaid. So this sounds like another thing that needs some managing.

A new year brings a new County Exec, and I for one am looking at my job with a fresh perspective. Or at least I got an email asking me to do so. Really.

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